Kaylee Anthony taking a swing. Photo by Bob High.

SoftBall My Sport.. My Game.. My Life

By Alexis Heath

“It’s not the will to win that matters. Everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.” – Paul Bryant

On February 15th the Lady Wolves have their first softball game against West Orange, the defending state champions from last year. Head Coach Huggins commented about preparing for the game: “Player for player we’re equally as talented. We have to overcome looking at their success, before we step on the field and letting that get us down. And stepping out on the field and being just like them just like the game, we are just two opponents.” If the Lady Wolves keep their heads up high, they could bring on a win.

Outfielder Kaylee Anthony speaks highly of her team and coaches. “ All of the girls are super nice, we all get along as a team, and we come together as family. Our coaches are great, they are pushing us to our highest potential and making us better players,” Anthony said. Every player, no matter the potential or skill  receives the same equal treatment. “If you want a starting spot you need to work hard for it. He[Coach Huggins] gives us all equal chances, but you have to work for it. If you’re not putting in any effort then you won’t get as much as others,” Anthony said.

As February 15th approaches the Lady Wolves are preparing to face the defending state champions. “We need to work on not repeating our mistakes ’cause we seem to do that a lot, and not to get distracted and stay focused,” Anthony said. Coach Huggins stated, “I want to see where our team is at, and whether we win or lose it will be something to build on.”

Coach Huggins and Anthony share the same intentions for this season, which is to win the state championship. With Coach Huggins’ passion and 15 years of experience, he and the Lady Wolves can bring the state championship home.

The team plays at home against West Orange, at 7p.m. on Wednesday , February 15th.

1..2..3.. Let’s Go Wolves!

Kaylee Anthony taking a swing. Photo by Bob High.


Timber Creek Softball Team and Coaching staff. Photo by Bob High