The official movie poster for "It."

The highly-anticipated thriller, “It”, made it’s way to theaters on September 8th, 2017.  The movie was adapted from  the 1986 novel written by Stephen King. The film has sparked a rave of mixed reviews and reactions. Many people have been highly anticipating the movie, due to the success of the novel.

The official movie poster for “It.”

The film itself focuses around a group of young outcasts who are about to face a summer of overcoming fears and abnormalities; to eventually battle a clown who goes by the name Pennywise. The movie was directed by director and screenwriter, Andres Muschietti.

The “It” movie has resulted in a rave of mixed reviews and reactions. But lets see what TCs students think about the film. “I thought that the movie was really good. There was a lot of suspense in each scene which left you on the edge of your seat,” said senior Sharelis Encarnacion, “All of the actors were able to really bring their character to life and make it believable.” Another Timber Creek student, freshman Josie St. Hilaire said “It was great, I really liked all the actors in the movie. But the clown was pretty creepy.”

Overall, the movie seemed to have positive reviews amongst the students here at Timber Creek.