The long awaited soccer season for boys just started and the hype for  has probably reached its peak. The wolves have their rosters for the season ready to go and they seem pretty confident in both their talent and from a competitive standpoint they seem more energized to start the season than never before. One of the players for the team, Jose Mencos was able to give comments regarding what the team’s mindset is right now and  we can expect from them in the field. “ The expectations for ourselves this year are pretty straight forward. We are going to come strong at our opponents, and we want to have a solid performance on the field.” We can expect very competitive games this season as The Wolves are pretty hungry for victory.

Nevertheless reaching success and being able to win a championship are pretty hard things to do and that is one thing Jose was able to touch while he was commenting on the team’s status. “ One of our main priorities right now is to build up our chemistry in and off the pitch that way we can not only win games but maybe even win the championship, chemistry is one thing that is usually overlooked at. We will keep our heads up throughout the season, and we will for sure fight to the death.” From a competitive standpoint the team is very solid, and it seems like they are already thinking ahead and the players are developing chemistry and creating a bond which are both things a successful team needs to have.

The wolves have a tough schedule facing off against very good teams this season lets hope they are up to the challenge! As for their schedule  Jose Mencos said, “ The schedule is tough i mean we have a lot of away games but we need to keep our cool, and remember that there will be tough days but at the end i’m sure everything will be fine.” Confidence is definitely present in the team that’s always a good thing to have especially in a team sport such as soccer. One thing that The Wolves show as well is maturity, the fact that they are already thinking about tough days and such is very impressive and on top of that it seems like they are mentally ready to take on whatever their opponents bring to the table this season, both in the regular season, and off-season. Overall this Wolves team brings a lot to the table and are sure to be checked out as championship contenders. It will sure be interesting to see how the team progresses throughout the course of the season. It seems as if this will be a season full of nail biting games and competitive soccer games.


Junior, Jose Mencos captain of the JV Soccer team for boys.