The Wolves started off this season on the wrong foot with a 35-0 loss to Dr.Phillips High School on Friday Aug. 30, but they quickly redeemed themselves on Sept. 9 while playing against Boone High School with a 65-43 Victory.

While the players seem to be back in the game, they do not all rely on luck and chance to help them win. Junior Matthew Steinbach said, “I don’t believe in luck because if you practice hard and play hard on the field you should perform good and won’t need luck.”

Luck and superstitions are prevalent for many athletes, but the Pack believes practice makes perfect. Senior Brock Sorenson, said “chemistry makes us play better. When everyone knows what everyone is supposed to do there’s no confusion and we play together.” The boys work hard at practice Monday-Thursday from 2:00-5:00p.m. doing individual drills, and going over plays, making sure they perfect every move.

While most do not believe in superstitions, some do have a few pre-game rituals. Varsity Coach Jim Buckridge said, “I go to Lil’ Anthony’s before every game, but I think that’s more of a habit.”

On Friday the 13th, Timber Creek played community rival East River High School, but the players were not fazed by it. Buckridge felt his players will “take it as a game.”

Since the boys seem to not believe in luck, they rely heavily on preparation and lots of practice. Sorenson noted that before a game he makes sure to “stay hydrated and stretch. I also listen to music to help me get pumped up.” Steinbach “goes home, eats a good meal and tries to take a nap before the game to be energized.”

The belief that “practice makes perfect” has dominated the craze of relying on luck and following superstitions. Buckridge said, “As you get older you realize it’s about being prepared.”