TC 5k in support of the Timber Creek Regiment & the Research of Colon Cancer.

By Natalia Brown

Members of the Timber Creek Regiment joined together for two very powerful causes. The students, teachers, and parents ran & raised money for colon cancer and the TImber Creek Regiment. The 5k took place on January 18, 2020, on Saturday morning from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. Colon cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the large intestine (colon). The colon is the final part of the digestive tract.students. The event started pricing at $25 and went up gradually to $35 as the event neared closer. Many of the participants were running for their own class! The money can be used towards buying new instruments for the students & towards funding for their buses for performances & for band field trips. Here is what happened at the event.

The winners were awarded medals for their accomplishments. All 5 students in 1st-5th place are our very own Timber Creek Cross Country Team. This cross country team made it all the way to nationals and had a great season this year. 5th place in the 5k race was one of our very own Timber Creek Students, Keelyn Barrier. Keelyn is a former member of the cross country club and is trying out for the track team. She is clearly one of our star runners! She was interviewed and gave us an inside look at the race.” I had so much fun at the race! My cross country team and I excelled at the race and gladly came in all 1st-5th places. Of course, I came in 5th. But, I think we raised a lot of money so it’s great that there was such a great turnout. The money can go towards not only my class but a greater cause which is the research of colon cancer.”

One of the main purposes of the 5k race was to donate the money earned to the research of colon cancer. Colon cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the large intestine. The colon is the final part of the digestive tract. The 5k raised money for these causes and ended making over $100. Emely Velicu is a member of the Timber Creek Regiment and supported the cause greatly. She was interviewed about her thoughts on the money raised towards that fund. “ I think it is great that our band was raising money for something bigger than ourselves. I think we raised a great amount of money so we are not only benefiting ourselves but we are able to give to others who definitely could use the money. It feels good to know that the money is being donated to such a great cause. Hopefully, we will continue to support new findings for colon cancer research & have more fundraisers in the future of our Timber Creek Regiment years.

It is clear that the 5k was a huge success. The money will be able to go to two very great causes. Hopefully, it can be a Timber Creek tradition and will be able to raise money for other foundations. As well as the improvement of the band class, for example, new/more instruments. Timber Creek is proud of all of the achievements of everyone who came out to support the cause!

Survivor. One of our band directors and colon cancer survivor, Mrs. Katie Hoey, along with 3 Regiment students, Hope Ugwuoke, Sean Faletti, & Diego Barros, who placed in the top 10 runners. Photo donated

WINNER WINNER. All 1st-5th winners of the 5k race are on the TC track team, including Keelyn Barrier, 9th. They represented our school well & took the lead all the way to the finish line! Photo donated

Volunteers. Our band students who didn’t run made time to volunteer at the event.  In this picture are Anna Crites, Kylie Vandergriff and Tiena Mahoney. Photo donated

Family Time. Many parents of the band program who supported the 5k walk/run and did it with their band student and younger siblings such as the Carreau family.  Pictured here are Sebastian Carreau, Juliet Carreau and Antoine Carreau. Photo donated