Students Give Their Thoughts on this Year’s Big Event

By Andre Hoofnagle

The Super Bowl is an event every year that either makes or breaks friendships. With rivalries between teams and fans, it creates an exciting event to watch and be a part of for all sorts of people. As teams progress their way to aligning themselves a playoff spot, the possible Super Bowl LIV winners are clearly seen out of the bunch early on. Whether it was the teams who had great records, like the San Francisco 49ers, or the teams who showed what they’re made of before they got eliminated, like the Tennessee Titans, all the teams have made this year’s league intriguing to watch. However, people are split on who they’re rooting for and who they think is going to win this year’s Super Bowl.

Two teams remain, being the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers. The Chiefs are part of the AFC, while the 49ers are part of the NFC, and through this both teams had prospered over the rest of their conference to get to the final game. Many are hopeful that their team will prevail against the other to get the title this year. Freshman Alejandro Bernard Romero said, “I hope the 49ers win and take the victory home.” Looking at the team’s records, the 49ers are at a 13-3 record with the Chiefs trailing slightly behind with a record of 12-4. However, the records aren’t everything. The Chiefs had faced some tough opponents through their games that the 49ers didn’t encounter, like the Patriots. This has led people to support different teams in this final stretch to take the title. “I really hope the Chiefs win this thing since it’d stink if they lost now,” freshman Josef Gebman explained. With all this in mind, it still ultimately comes down to the specific day in which they face off and how well they perform. Bernard Romero further explains how these final rounds have been “definitely coming down to the wire” and that “it’s nerve-racking in all the cut close games” there have been leading up to the final matchup. The nerves of losing your winning pick evidently amplify the later in the season it goes, but the last game will certainly be the most tense one by the way things have shaken out.

Even when a fan’s favorite team gets out, they often decide to root for other teams. Freshman Andres Garcia says “I wanted a Florida team to win, but then I wanted the 49ers to win after my teams got out because it seems that they have a better chance at winning.” Although it can be disappointing for your pick to get out, it doesn’t stop the rest of the season from being exciting to watch. “I’m interested to see how all of this ends up shaking out,” Garcia says. With the amount of close games and surprising finishes this season, there is definitely something to keep everybody watching. However, some people are the opposite in that they only watch the final Super Bowl match. Many claim to watch the last game to see the variety of commercials that play during the breaks of this big event. This is because unique advertisements are often shown on Super Bowl day that bring everybody in and intrigued. All of this provided into one show makes it so there is not much more for someone to want.

Overall, everyone has their reasons to be excited for this year’s Super Bowl. Whether people have a team they’re rooting for, have a big party planned, or just watching for pure enjoyment, the general eagerness is shared by many. The Super Bowl has become more than just the big game day for the players, more than a show to watch on the television on one Sunday of the year, and more than just a sport tournament. It has become a way to connect family and friends all together to enjoy the company of one another for at least one day a year. No matter if people are supporting a different team, there is an overall happiness in everybody coming together to sit back and relax on their day off from work or school. Still, Super Bowl LIV looks to be one that’ll be cherished and remembered for years to come. With all the mixed opinions on who’s going to win, the one thing that remains clear is that everybody is ready for Super Bowl LIV to take place.

Football Get-Together. Holding up a football, freshman Alejandro Bernard Romero explains how his family comes together and carries out a mini party where they watch the Super Bowl together. “My family and I come together for the Super Bowl every year all routing for the 49ers and just have a good time,” said Romero. Events like these definitely help bring the whole family closer! Photo Donated By: Alejandro Bernard Romero