ONLINE LEARNING 101, junior Campbell Goff during her BBB session. This session was made for extra help and assistance. Goff states, "I can always count on these sessions to help my grade." Photo by Campbell Goff

Helpful Resources that will Improve your Online Learning Experience

By Gabrielle Nash

The national pandemic of coronavirus has reshaped the way that we live and function on a daily basis. Along with the extensive changes placed on restaurants, amusement parks, and local businesses, the educational system has also faced major changes. Depending on the specific state, each local government has made detailed guidelines between online and face to face learning.

Here in Florida, on August 21st, students were officially allowed to return back to their school campus. Nonetheless, there was another option, which is referred to as Launch-Ed learning. Although many students may not prefer this other option, it is indeed a safer choice. However, thousands of students face certain challenges while learning online compared to physically being at a school campus. In this article, we will discuss verified online resources that will improve your Launch-Ed learning experience.

Depending on the classes that each student is taking, specific resources will vary. Junior Campbell Goff enjoys the BBB help sessions. “I do like going to the BBB help sessions, [teachers] have especially when it’s more one on one, because then I don’t have the pressure of what other students think about my question. It also helps a lot because [teachers] are usually pretty happy when you come and ask questions,” Goff said. Goff explains that the sessions are very personable and a great way to learn information that did not get discussed in the scheduled class meeting. Both students and teachers are adapting to this process together, so it is always kind to support the teachers when they are offering sessions.

Moreover, junior Livga Yang has an interesting app to share. “There is this app called Flora, which is basically a study app that I use during live lessons which stops me from using my phone in class. Also, it is super helpful because I can actually pay attention with the help of Flora.” There is an abundance of apps on various types of smartphones that will help with concentration and studying. Flora, for example, helps Yang stay focused during her live classes and works as a study tool throughout the day. This app, along with many others, are great ways to stay organized and balance the intense workload that school provides.

Furthermore, senior Michael Thompson shares a wonderful website for computer training. Thompson states, “Testout helps your knowledge of computer information grow and develop into multiple areas that are beneficial. Not only does it teach you new pieces of information, but this website also gives you an idea about the real world database through the computer.” For all of the Timber Creek High School students that enjoy computer science and IT field related work, the website Testout may be your new best friend. Thompson was very excited to share about Testout and highly recommended it to the school body. It is important to try out different programs and establish a ground basis of key facts. Testout is a verified website and offers training courseware for IT and Microsoft Office Specialist certifications.

Lastly, junior Olivia Pobocik provides detailed information about two sources that she frequently visits. The first is very popular around school, known as Mathway. “It (Mathway) offers examples and detailed explanations on how to solve all of the problems. It is super helpful for homework!” Although some teachers do not like the app/website, it proves very useful for Pobocik. As long as you are using the corporation to learn and gain a better understanding, then that is all that matters. Additionally, Pobocik watches the Youtube channel, Hiemler History, “It’s super detailed and Heimler makes the topics engaging and interesting to understand! I always go straight to [Hiemler] if I don’t understand a subject.” There is such a wide selection of Youtube channels to visit that create summarized versions of a major lesson. Not everyone can connect with their teachers, so it is just as normalized to find alternatives options. Hiemler History along with other channels like John Green, produce quality content on their channels with a wide range of subjects. They cover almost every topic and ensure a high grade in your class, especially on the Advanced Placement (AP) test.

To conclude, there is a broad range of helpful resources available to make your Launch-Ed experience as positive and beneficial as possible. These wonderful students are just a prime example of scholars that try their best to get extra help and information from outside sources. Although 2020 has been a challenging year for thousands of students, there is always another side of the spectrum. Do not make Launch-Ed learning the downfall of your high school career, you can still learn and succeed this year!

ONLINE LEARNING 101. Junior Campbell Goff during her BBB session. This session was made for extra help and assistance. Goff stated, “I can always count on these sessions to help my grade.” Photo by Campbell Goff