Focused! Timber Creek Senior Rebekah Lopez is enrolled in LaunchEd. “I prefer online school because I’m allowed to have my own structure.” Photo donated.

By Alexis Porter

Covid-19 has impacted our world and many Americans mentally and physically. It took a huge toll on the education system as well. It put an end to the 2019-2020 school year in March when the disease first started spreading. Many questions formed regarding the upcoming school year. Would schools be moved to online? Would students have to wear masks while at school? Orange County Public Schools spent most of the summer deciding how the 2020-2021 school would happen. It was a very tough decision because of the concerns and risks that fled staff members, teachers, students, and parents’ minds. However, they concluded 3 options: Face-to-Face, LaunchED, and Orange County Virtual School.

The Face-to-Face option comes with a lot of rules that the students and teachers have to follow to ensure everybody stays safe and healthy. Signs are plastered throughout all Orange County schools that state the importance of staying home if you feel any symptoms, to only go one way up the staircase, and to socially distance. Face coverings are required to be worn all day by every individual that enters the school buildings. Staying six feet apart is also encouraged and required throughout hallways and classrooms and especially when masks are off while eating lunch. Frequent handwashing is suggested as well. If an individual tests positive for Covid they must isolate themselves for 10 days then may return to school if symptoms are no longer taking effect.

The LaunchED and Orange County Virtual School options are technically the same idea. However, LaunchED is the digital learning program of Orange County Public Schools. Orange County Virtual School allows you to learn anytime and anywhere and is very flexible unlike LaunchED. LaunchED requires students to join Big Blue Button for conferences, follow the regular school schedule, and turn work in daily. Orange County Virtual School allows students to work at their own pace and not be required to join conferences and follow the regular school schedule.

Students were required to make a decision on which option they would be choosing by a certain date. Orange County Public Schools required all schools to make students practice online school for 10 days until the actual first day of school. Then, the Face-To-Face students would go into the classrooms in person like they decided to do with online school knowledge just in case at some point throughout the year schools had to go all online. Unlike other Orange County schools Timber Creek has not had a Covid case yet as administrators are enforcing the strict guidelines daily. Administrators at Timber Creek come on the speaker daily to remind students they are required to wear their masks at all times and to socially distance. Administrators are also making sure to enforce the social distancing especially at lunch.

Focused! Timber Creek Senior Rebekah Lopez is enrolled in LaunchEd. “I prefer online school because I’m allowed to have my own structure.” Photo donated.