Is it too much to handle?

By Valeria Pack

This year, 2020, for school can be tough. Many students are doing school online and it has been a stressful journey for both teachers and students, but what happens when you have a part time job too? Working can be hard even without doing school. The stress of learning a new way to do school can be overwhelming as well as working. There are a lot of students doing this but can they handle it?

Getting a job is great when you have time for it. School takes a lot of time in a student’s week. Working can take time in their week too so how do they handle it? Junior Bailey Post-Rabean is a student that has a part time job at a Petsmart. She said, “I handle it by making sure on my days off I do the school work due that week. Trying to handle both can be extremely hard because they both are very stressful, but if I take my time I can get most things done.”

Other students can’t always handle having those two things to deal with and that is okay too. Senior, Adelle Garcia, is a student that works at a dunkin donuts. “It can be hard but I put up with it. Working is a way to get out of the house and making money for my future is important to me. I deal with school and do the best I can, even if it can get stressful at times,” Garcia said. Working and doing school isn’t so easy and some students might have a hard time managing both. Not everyone can handle all the work that school throws at us. All we can do is try our best but don’t put so much pressure on ourselves.

Whether you are working because you want to or working because your parents want you to, don’t think that you have to be perfect at everything all the time. Not every student can handle that much stress or pressure and that’s okay because we are all human. No matter who we are or what we do in our freetime, school shouldn’t be what we do all day every day. Take breaks and relax. Working as a student can be a good thing, but sometimes it can be overwhelming. You don’t have to be perfect at both all the time. The key is to find a balance with everything you do in life.

Get the job done. Junior Adelle Garcia works at a Dunkin’ Donuts. She works whenever she can and she does everything they allow her to. She doesn’t have a set schedule so she works different hours of the week. “Working at Dunkin’ Donuts is okay, I mean it’s not the greatest job but it’s something to make money,” she said. Photo donated