Balance and Barre! Mrs. Perry leads the Tech 1 class through their weekly Beyonce Ballet Barre exercises. Tuesdays are a class favorite, as the students get to pull out the ballet barres and practice to upbeat Beyonce songs! Dancers of all different levels aim to improve their technique as Mrs. Perry breaks down steps and combinations. “Every time I give a correction and the dancer applies it or when a dancer gets a step they have been struggling with, I’m inspired to find better ways to teach my students.” Mrs Perry expresses. Photo donated.

Timber Creek celebrates the 10th anniversary of its beloved dance program

By Jandayra Gonzalez Matos

On an inconsequential Monday afternoon, dance students are changing in their locker rooms. Students are switching into their dance clothes, slicking their hair away from their faces, and slipping on their jazz shoes. Mrs. Tara Perry is sitting in her office, looking over her desktop computer. Like a freight train, the reality of Timber Creek Dance’s tenth anniversary sinks in. Another day, she realizes. Another day of over 3650 days dedicated to this very same program.

This program, however, did not always look the way it does today. Prior to joining the Timber Creek staff, Mrs. Perry had acquired quite the impressive dance resume. She began dancing in her childhood, and carried the discipline beyond her college years. Even when she began teaching 9th and 12th grade English at Timber Creek, she juggled another job as a dance instructor at a local studio. It was around this time that Timber Creek Dance began taking shape. Perry weighs in on what started it all. “Dr. Paduano stopped me in the front office one day.  She informed me that she wanted to start a dance program.  She knew that I was already teaching dance at a local studio so she thought of me to start the program. It has been growing ever since that conversation,” Perry said. 

And grow, it has! The program began with two of Mrs. Perry’s teaching periods dedicated to dance classes. The other four? English classes! Juggling Shakespeare readings and jazz choreography couldn’t have been easy, but Mrs. Perry has become quite the master of moving puzzle pieces. “I feel like one of my best traits is my organizational and time management skills. I have learned, over the years, how to balance it all and to only do what I can each day,” Perry said.

The program began with only two classes; one beginner level class, and one advanced level class. Following the first year, students showed enough interest in the program to allow for a greater variety of course levels and types. After Perry consulted the Florida Department of Education catalog, she was able to add different levels of dance techniques, and a dance company class: the first version of Timber Creek’s Dance team.

The program now requires all seven of Mrs. Perry’s class periods to accommodate student needs. And her efforts don’t go unnoticed. Senior Rayne Ball weighs in. “Mrs. Perry puts so much effort into making sure everyone feels safe, and gets the help they need in class. She has such a positive attitude and is so, so, so, sweet. She is probably one of my favorite teachers.”

Ever-so-humble, Mrs. Perry wastes no time as she thanks the people who helped her arrive to where she is today. She thanks Miss Clear’s efforts as the dance team’s co-teacher, and as an overall aid in running the program smoothly. She credits her inspiration to her late dance instructor, Mr. Fletcher McClenndon. And, most touchingly, she credits her father. “My Dad is another huge inspiration. Before he passed, he always used to tell me how proud he was of me and didn’t understand how I could run an entire program by myself (until recently). I sometimes am inspired by the reminder of the encouragement he used to give me,” she said.

Throughout all the struggles, the rehearsals, the scheduling maneuvers, and sore lumbar days, Mrs. Perry remains a beacon of light for all Timber Creek dancers. As both a challenging mentor and loving teacher, she’s left irreplaceable memories with her students. Timber Creek Dance simply wouldn’t be the same without her.

Congratulations on a wonderful decade of dance, and to many more!

Balance and Barre! Mrs. Perry leads the Tech 1 class through their weekly Beyonce Ballet Barre exercises. Tuesdays are a class favorite, as the students get to pull out the ballet barres and practice to upbeat Beyonce songs! Dancers of all different levels aim to improve their technique as Mrs. Perry breaks down steps and combinations. “Every time I give a correction and the dancer applies it or when a dancer gets a step they have been struggling with, I’m inspired to find better ways to teach my students.” Mrs Perry expresses. Photo donated.


A Decade of Dance! Mrs. Perry and one of the first Timber Creek dance classes gather for a class photo, solidifying the founding year of the program. Mrs. Perry recalls the thoughts that raced through her as she watched the first-ever Timber Creek dancers walk through her classroom’s doors. “I was so excited to start teaching dance at Timber Creek. I couldn’t wait to begin class and see the students move! I was, of course, a little nervous, because I wasn’t used to teaching dance at a high school, but that first year was one of the best.” Photo donated.