Students pursuing school clubs are now continuing through online systems

By Natalia Brown

Due to the recent outbreak many students have been forced to be confined to their beds to do school. Which also means, their normal school activities including school clubs have also been forced to be moved online as well. In what ways has this affected these students. Are they warming up to these new adjustments or perhaps they never will.

Timber Creek High School provides many after / before school clubs that are pertained to a wide group of students bodies interests. This includes art club, ASL club, chess club and plenty more from all over the spectrum. School clubs help students at schools develop their social skills. They increase their interactions with their peers and with faculty members, and they have the opportunity to connect with other students who share similar interests. These interactions may form the basis for enduring friendships.But, how easy are students able to do this online. Pre-Med club member, Fabiana Trinidad, who is a sophomore at Timber Creek High School, says.”I think it made it made it not as fun anymore because before we were able to physically go to events and have fun with people, making it able to learn more about medicine and just learn more about things in real life. We also got to have lectures from professionals…which helped other people get a better understanding of how that job worked…and now it’s just zoom calls. I prefer in real life but that’s just my preference for clubs.” There is an obvious disconnect from the students from their passion. But, for some, this may be the only solution for the type of world we are living in at this moment of time. This new way of school clubs has a differing impact on differing students.

Clubs are necessary because they give young people the leadership and power to make their own decisions.Olivia Grimming, a member of SGA, knows a lot about leadership and this was her opinion on doing her club from home, she says,”For me personally, it is better in person because I am able to be more involved in the activities that are done and while online there are not as many fun projects compared to actually being in the school. But, I am grateful that I still have the opportunity to be involved with the school much as possible, without actually being inside the school.” It’s known that things are different compared to last year, which also means a lot of activities that were planned for certain clubs are no longer being able to be continued. It’s unknown when things will slow down and return to normal, and if it may ever happen in a time that is soon, so students may have to slowly start to adjust to the new normal. Although, for these students their favorite clubs may not be the same they remember them to be, they still are able to bond with others like them online and make connections that are able to be used in the future.

As expressed, there are mixed reviews on whether online school clubs are enjoyable for students. But, all can agree that it is better than not having a club at all and they are still grateful to have the opportunity to communicate with other students online or not. This may be the new normal, and it is a matter of time before it becomes a part of their daily schedule. Whether these online clubs are temporary or here too stay, it is nice that the students have a group of students with similar interests to them and be able to communicate with.

Let’s Get Digital! Olivia Grimming attends a BigBlueButton virtual meeting and discusses plans for this school year. Photo by Natalia Brown