Freshman Pierce Barron is ecstatic about the upcoming track season with Timber Creek.

Boys’ Track: A New Season Begins

By Natalie Allen

On February 18th, boys track will have their first meet, at Lake Brantley HS. Tryouts are being held on the week of January 23rd to the 27th. For many, like Pierce Barron or Khalid Al Hilalo, tryouts are nothing short of a good time. If you like running, there are no complaints about the track team. Practice occurs everyday with the exceptions of Fridays, and the weekends, unless told otherwise.

Making varsity is one of the biggest accomplishments for many. Timber Creek will have a strong and successful team, no doubt. In every season, as many as seven track athletes make it to states. Being one of the most accomplished sports at Timber Creek, that should come as no surprise.

If you played other sports like soccer or cross country, like both Barron and Al Hilalo, track is coming as a breeze. As tryouts are continuing, the team is getting stronger. There is a lot of anticipation for the upcoming season, and most of all, the first track meet.

So much hard work and dedication contributes to every athlete. Motivation, discipline are the core for every successful sports team.

“We have a strong team,” said Al Hilalo, and he would be more than right. After sitting in for tryouts, I can definitely stand by what Al Hilalo said. Hours of practice and training goes into the season. All of their hard work will pay off. “I’m most looking forward to running in events this season,” Barron said. From others’ experiences, the performance is the best part. The adrenaline that arises is indescribable.

One of the biggest struggles for athletes tends to be balancing school with practice and training. How do you find the time to study for important tests when you have practice for a few hours? However, it is not a total loss. The jam packed schedule tends to keep many motivated. The importance of athletics for some people is motivation enough to maintain their studies, as Barron would know. It teaches many athletes the importance of a balanced life.

Freshman Pierce Barron is ecstatic about the upcoming track season with Timber Creek.