RED AND GREEN. Posing for photos during spirit week for social media pages, students participating in winter spirit week. All smiles on everyone's faces about bonding with friends and dressing up together. Seniors thoroughly enjoying their last day of winter spirit week, during their final year. Photo by Jade Pike

Timber Creek High School’s Winter Spirit Week

By Gabrielle Nash

Every year at Timber Creek High School, winter spirit week is always a blast before the holiday season. Dressing up with your friends throughout the week is a great bonding experience for everyone! All throughout the school you can find Christmas hats, decorative sweaters and fuzzy socks. You can definitely tell that winter break was upon us and everyone was ready to spend time with their families and eat a lot of food. This year the week progressed as follows: Monday – Winter Workshop (Freshmen and Sophomore: Reindeers, Junior and Seniors: Elves), Tuesday – Holiday Character Day, Wednesday – Ugly Sweater Day, Thursday – Pajama Day and Friday – Class Colors (Freshmen: White, Sophomores: Green, Juniors: Blue and Seniors: Red). Spirit is thoroughly set up by the school’s SGA program or Student Government Association. The collection of students make posters and promote the week online through social media and vocal announcements. Spirit week equals a happy time at Timber Creek.
Students all share different experiences when it comes to spirit week. Some students are a lot more involved, while others prefer not to participate. Senior Keyla Bastos talks about her experience facing her last winter spirit week,”It was very bittersweet (spirit week). It was a realization that I’m closing a chapter, but at the same time opening up a new one, as I have fun during spirit week one last time!”
It is exciting that even though our seniors who are leaving this year, can still enjoy their last winter spirit week. It is an amazing experience and overall brings groups closer together. High school only happens once and some things you can only participate in a small amount of times. Reminiscing on past experiences is tough but enjoying everything that happens in the present time is quite an experience.
Furthermore, Freshmen Hannah Schleger an SGA member explains the planning process,”I think school spirit is a really huge part of SGA and the overall togetherness of the school. Planning ways to bring us together to support Timber Creek is fun and allows us to try and increase the unity in the student body.” Although, this is Schleger’s first year in SGA she clearly has a passion for the elective. Unity within the student body is one of the main reasons for spirit week taking place. By having a large amount of students participate it shows an overall interest about what is occuring at Timber Creek. Students do not have to be extremely preppy like the cheerleaders, nevertheless it is great to show school spirit and be proud of where you attend. This same idea is represented during sports and afterschool clubs/activities. Finding a common purpose within the school not only increases the energy but makes the environment more positive.
In conclusion, spirit week at Timber Creek High School is always one for the books. You will always find friends taking photos outside and sharing for the world to see. Smiles and laughs are always the brightest during spirit week and if anything who does not love pajama day? It is the one day of the year you can dress super comfy without being judged. Overall, students throughout all grade levels enjoy the weekly activity and look forward to the event each year.
RED AND GREEN. Seniors Keyla Bastos and Maggie McCall, sophomore Gabrielle Nash, and seniors Taylor Birch and Javiera Aracena participate in Winter Spirit Week. The girls were all smiles as they posed for a picture for social media accounts. Photo by Jade Pike.