Joy to the Community. Timber Creek Key Clubbers are organizing and sorting donated goods for this Thanksgiving event. Families and many other people come here to “shop” through all the goodies. Anybody was welcomed to come and could out anything they wanted. “I remember this little girl looking so happy simply after getting a toy and it really made everyone really joyful,” said freshman Yvonne Huynh, pictured on the left Photo donated.

Key Club is all about helping others and the community

By Kimberly Pham

Key Club is a club here at Timber Creek and anyone is able to join. Key Club is a student-led club where high school students can get lots of community service hours through many different service projects and events. Not only does Timber Creek have Key Club, Key Club is an international club where all high school students around the U.S. can join. Key Club was founded in 1925 and have been going strong in building leadership through helping others ever since. Key Clubbers are able to go all around the community and help out at various events. On Saturday, December 7th, many Key Clubbers came out and volunteered at the annual Avalon Aglow. Key Club had a great turnout and got over 150 hours of community service that day. Key Club is a great way to earn a bunch of service hours while still having lots of fun.

There are many students at Timber Creek that do not know what Key Club is about. Some students have never heard of Key Club. “Key Club is about bringing a group of high school students together who want to make an impact on this world. We want to encourage those who have a heart for service to turn their passion into change,” said Olivia Packham, president of Key Club. Olivia Packham is a junior here at Timber Creek. Olivia has been in Key Club since freshman year. Olivia joined Key Club because she was interested in getting lots of hours and all the different projects. “I saw it as an opportunity for me to expand my love for community service. At my incoming freshmen night, I heard some of the officers at the time talking about how easy they make it for you to get bright futures hours while still having fun. They also had a wide-variety if projects do I could tell that something would peak my interest,” said Packham.

Key Club has helped out the community in numerous ways. There are so many different opportunities where Key Clubbers can earn lots of hours while helping the community and develop leadership skills at the same time. “Key club has changed the community in so many ways. We have done multiple drives for the homeless, committed hours in serving Avalon Park, and dedicated time to helping out many of the younger kids in the community,” said Amelia Packham, one of the vice presidents of Key Club. Also, Olivia Packham said, “Key Club has helped several community projects and organizations run smoother than ever thought possible. Many of our community partners have a goal of giving those with limited opportunities a brighter and better future. Even in our local Avalon Park area, we have had so many new projects that are well attended by Key Club and having so many extra hands allows those in charge to focus their energy towards the outcome of the event rather than having to focus on the small things that may go wrong, since Key Clubbers have already fixed it for them.” Being in Key Club can make a huge difference in the community and to those around us.

Timber Creek High School’s Key Club has over 100 members who are dedicated to helping the community. Key Club has a meeting every second Thursday of every month to keep every Key Clubber in check with what is going on. At the meetings, Key Clubbers will be informed of new upcoming projects and events and there are highlights of what happened at the previous events. Everything we do in Key Club and even outside of Key Club matters. Key Club helps the community in every way they can. Many students joined Key Club because they were interested in the different projects and events Key Club offers. “I saw it as an opportunity for me to expand my love for community service. At my incoming freshmen night, I heard some of the officers at the time talking about how easy they make it for you to get Bright Futures hours while still having fun. They also had a wide-variety if projects do I could tell that something would peak my interest,” said Olivia Packham. Key Club is a great way to interact with new people and help around the community while also earning lots of community service hours. “I joined Key Club because I was in builder’s club in middle school, which is the middle school version of this club, and it was really fun. It also sounded like a great way to get volunteer hours and meet new people in high school,” said freshman Srija Dey. All the community service hours a Key Clubber earns goes towards the Bright Futures Scholarship, which is another reason why students like to join.

Key Club is open for anyone to join. Being in this club is a great way to earn hours that go toward the Bright Futures Scholarship while also having lots of fun. New friendships are formed and memories are created. Everyone is encouraged to join Key Club. “Key Club has given me tons of community service hours, a fantastic group of friends, and amazing leadership skills,” said Amelia Packham. Also, Olivia Packham said, “I have made some of my greatest friends and created everlasting memories through Key Club. I also have completed hundreds of hours of service and had a good time doing it.” Helping the community while also earning hours is a benefit to both the community and Key Clubbers.

Joy to the Community. Timber Creek Key Clubbers are organizing and sorting donated goods for this Thanksgiving event. Families and many other people come here to “shop” through all the goodies. Anybody was welcomed to come and could out anything they wanted. “I remember this little girl looking so happy simply after getting a toy and it really made everyone really joyful,” said freshman Yvonne Huynh, pictured on the left. Photo donated.