The many reasons to choose being a Majorette
By Chloe Charavay
It can always be a difficult task when trying to find the right extra curricular activity that will suit you best. There are so many different options, but it’s difficult to try them all. However, some people find the activity that works best for them and they stick to it. This is the case for many of the girls on Timber Creek’s Majorette Team!
If you’ve ever gone to a high school football game, you’ve most likely seen them on the sidelines cheering for the team. However if you haven’t been to one, you might be wondering, “ What is a Majorette Team?” To put it simply, being a majorette is a combination of dance, acrobatics, and cheerleading. One major difference between being a majorette and all the previous listed sports is the essential use of a baton. Majorettes twirl this batton, throw it, and do all types of unique variations. It makes for an impressive display of tricks and routines. Throwing a metal stick in the air definitely isn’t the easiest thing to do. When asked why she chose to become a majorette, Jenna Stewart replied,” My sister showed me a video of her twirling. I saw how happy the crowd was and I wanted to do the same: Make people happy.” Many people join the baton team for a lot of different reasons, however having separate goals may be the thing that causes them to work hard towards a common goal and work well together. The strong bond of a team is definitely one of the most important things especially when working together to fully enjoy a high school sport, which leads into another major point of being a majorette.
Not only do the Majorettes function as a team, but they have genuine bonds on the team that help them push themselves harder. This produces better result for the team, as well as really improves their overall high school experience. They make it an important aspect of training that everyone gets along, and they like to hang out outside of school and practice as team bonding. A Lot of different sports don’t do this, which definitely makes being a majorette more appealing to many of the current team members. No matter what level you are compared to some of the other girls, the team will welcome you and try to help you improve your skill level. Leah Cruz stated, “The environment is extremely welcoming for new beginners.” The atmosphere is overall a lot of fun, supportive, and makes the stress of messing up way less significant. It’s very important to relieve stress while doing high school sports, especially since being
a high school student tends to be a stressful experience all by itself. By having a strong team bond, you can make friends that will last even after you stop doing the extra curricular. You could gain a study buddy, best friend, and a lot more.
Being a part of a high school team is always a very good experience. People always have different goals and reasons as to why they strive towards a sport, and the majorettes are no exception to this!

to support my school and twirl at games is one of my favorite parts of being a
majorette.” Photo donated by Brianna Genderen