Two students, 11th grader Kayden Hawks (Left) and 10th grader Caroline Ogle (Right), are waiting to go on and perform. The smiles on their faces can’t hold how excited they are to be a part of Prism. Photo credit: 12th grade Kaley Ogle.

The Last Prism of the Decade

By Adriana Garcia-Milla

           Timber Creek’s Prism Showcase has been successful ever since it started. Both shows on Friday and Saturday were sold out. Everyone worked really hard to get to the point where they were so proud of themselves and what they did and to be able to show off how hard everyone worked together. Stressors and being nervous are normal, especially if so many people go and watch them perform. The directors and students have never failed to make Prism an outstanding show. With every performing arts program coming together, of course, it will turn out amazing. All the hard work, the stress, and how it all turned out in the end, was such an exciting journey and it is all worth it in the end.

           The directors / teachers always insured and put their best efforts when making the shows.  “We have been in the planning stages of the show since we got back in the beginning of the school year in August, so we have department meetings as the ten directors who are responsible for the performing arts in Timber Creek. We have meetings every two weeks,” band director Rhett Cox explained. They started with the big aspects of the show like the music, what everyone wanted to perform, the order the show would be in, how long the pieces were going to be and the mood all the pieces create. All 10 directors, theater, band, dance, orchestra, chorus, etc., have been dedicated and put a lot of hard work into Prism, their hard work really did pay off.

              With every great performance, there are stressors sometimes. The stress sometimes helps in order to show the maximum potential the student has to offer.  Sophomore Kevin Rodriguez is in the band program and he said, “Like any other, I get really nervous when I sing and sometimes let the nerves get to me, and I wanna try to control that better and just relax and have fun.” Two sold-out shows, who wouldn’t be nervous?  Even if some of the students in Prism were nervous, you wouldn’t be able to tell because they performed so beautifully. Sophomore Caroline Ogle is in the chorus program. She said, “I am stressed about nothing, to be honest.” The students worked hard and practiced extensively and whether they were nervous or not, they were able to push past it and performed such a lovely show.

           Prism will continue to strive with everything that they do. The three practices where everyone came together and performed and the directors found ways for not only the students to improve but also found ways they could improve. Students that practiced their song, instrument and/or dance continued to try and make themselves better. Everyone did their part and they wanted it to be as best as it could possibly be for the audience and honestly, they did an incredible job of that. All the hard work, practices and meetings did pay off in the end in order to have created one of best shows Timber Creek presented.

Anticipation. Junior Kayden Hawks (Left) and sophomore Caroline Ogle (Right), are waiting to go on and perform. The smiles on their faces can’t hold how excited they are to be a part of Prism. Photo donated by Kaley Ogle.