Upcoming exams are on the way, and students at Timber Creek high school are getting prepared. A variety of students have different views when it comes to this, especially for freshmen. They begin taking the FSAs and EOCs for the first time. Though, a majority of them claims to be very relaxed when the time comes. Two freshmen students I’ve interviewed had different opinions on the topic.

Working! Timber Creek High School freshman, Gabriel Flores preparing for the biology EOC, on April 4th. “I’ll still try my best,” Flores states.

Freshman Gabriel Flores isn’t too worried when it comes to this. He believes the exams aren’t really significant, as he claims “it’s just a test one day a year.” Flores assumes that FSAs and EOCs doesn’t really contribute well to lessons that he’ve learned, and isn’t necessary. Though, he states that he’ll still focus and do his best when the day comes. Aside from that, he enjoys preparing the night before the exams by getting plenty of sleep.

In opposition, freshman Yumon Sayyed believes that the exams are important. “I’m not really anxious about it, but I still think they’re significant. It’s for a big portion of your grade,” she states. She claims that the exams are essential and needed. During free time, Sayyed prepares by studying on her past lessons and working hard on recent ones.

Weather you believe these exams are important or not, the one thing we have in common is that we all have to take them. The more prepared we are, hopefully, the less anxious we will all be.