Track season is right around the corner – and here are what some returning athletes have to say about the upcoming 2020 season.

By MaryJane Grimison

As the winter sports begin to wrap up and spring sport coaches begin badgering their athletes to condition, the official kickoff for spring sports here at TimberCreek has begun. Whether you’re a part of lacrosse, flag football, tennis, or, specifically, track, the pressure is about to be on.

For the track team specifically, a multitude of new and returning athletes are expected for the 2020 season. The fresh talent and potential expected for the team is very exciting for coaches and returning athletes alike. Junior Daria Cuellar, who has been on the track team for the last 2 years, had this to say about the upcoming season: “I’m really excited to see how things will play out in this upcoming season – we have so many fresh faces and fresh talent coming in this year.” Cuellars attitude on new recruits coming onto the team is exactly the bright outlook that any veteran athlete on a team should have about new athletes – as long as they are willing to show up and work hard, anyone is welcome.

Though, some roadblocks have come in the way of the 2020 track and field season here at Timber Creek. The Timber Creek track is expected to be replaced about midway through the season, meaning that the track and field team will need to find a new practice location. Returning sophomore Carly Holladia had an optimistic outlook about this bump in the road. “I just think Timber Creek needs a new track and it should be purple!” said Holladia.

With the anticipation surrounding the team regarding the upcoming season, new track renovations, and surrounding the team overall, some goals must be set for the athletes themselves. While track is a team sport, it is just as equally a personal sport where you are constantly going up against yourself – whether it be your times or even just mental toughness you create for yourself, it is crucial that each athlete has strong, centered goal for their own season – and does not compare themselves to their teammates in a negative sense.

Junior sprinter Daven Hill had a strong outlook for the 2020 season. “This season is very important to me. It’s my 3rd year on the team and my junior year, so I feel like I definitely need to step up,” said Hill. Hill’s focused goals are optimal for a successful season.

Another strong athlete, sophomore Amber Schulz, who had an amazing freshman season and even more amazing attitude on this subject, had this to say about her goals for the upcoming season: “As track season is quickly approaching I’ve been reflecting a lot on what last season held. Last year’s track season was a great experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I learned to overcome self doubt and above all that absolutely anything is possible. As a freshman last year I got 3rd place for the 2 mile and beat my PR by almost 30 seconds. I learned that life is going to have ups and downs that will make feel like everything is falling apart but in the end everything will work out for the best and that everything that happens in life is for a reason. As this season approaches my mindset is focused on simply doing the best I can while not putting any pressure on myself regarding my previous seasons. Every season is different and will bring all new challenges and success. I will do my best and give my all because that is simply all I can ask of myself. This season will hold lots of sweat, laughs, joy, pain, tears, and most of all strength. I am ready to leave it all out on the track.”

These extraordinary attitudes paired with incoming talent and potential, team structure, andoverall high spirits, things are looking very bright for Timber Creek’s 2020 track and field season. Be sure to come out January 21st – 23rd for tryouts, and come out to support your fellow Wolves at meets!

Final Kick. Sophomore Amber Schluz finishes off her race strong while competing in the 2 mile race at the East Metro Championship meet – while also securing the win. Shulz is looking forward to the upcomming track season. Photo donated