During Easter weekend, the Programming Team travelled to FIU for their 10th Annual Programming competition. Our students placed 3rd and 5th out of 30 teams.   The 3rd place team was informally offered $6,000 scholarship per year if they would join the FIU Programming Team next year.   This potentially would be a $30,000 per student.

Team members:

Purple Wolves

Anuj Yamdagni
Caden Kreppein
Chris Nastovski

Silver Wolves

Lizzy Briley
Matthew Garrison
David Gravett

Full Scoreboard is posted here:  http://users.cis.fiu.edu/~irvinek/hscomp/2015/summary.html

Computer Science Scholarship Total is now at $445,400.

From Dencker, Kyle S. <kyle.dencker@ocps.net>


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