The Service Learning Council and Engaged Citizenship Classes Present TCHS Red Ribbon Day

Thursday, October 31, 2013

“A Healthy Me Is Drug Free”imagesCA3JB9KM




 DRUNK DRIVING SIMULATION Learn why driving drunk

accounts for 45% of annual traffic deaths. Drive a remote control car through a

mock city with and without drunk driving simulation goggles to understand the dangers of drinking and driving.

Don’t Drink and Drive!






CELEBRITY CEMETERY Visit the Celebrity Cemetery in the courtyard that features tombstones of celebrities who died from drug or alcohol use.What lesson can you learn from them?



Classroom teachers may participate with a class in the Red Ribbon Day door deco-

rating contest to design a door that teaches the dangers of drug use. The theme is “A Healthy Me Is Drug Free.” Judging will be on October 31st, 7th period. Prizes will be awarded for the top three doors!





The Grim Reaper will be looking for victims of drug and alcohol use.  Students will be declared “dead” and will be painted white. Students will wear a sign signifying the cause of their death as a reminder not to drink or use drugs.