Remy Ma came out with two song when she was released from prison called “ Another One” and   “Shether”  dissing Nicki Minaj and  claiming many things about the infamous female rapper.  In  one verse Remy says that Nicki is just an opportunist and only dose things when it benefits her and  how Nicki being upset by Remy’s arrest was just for show. Reamy states that the there is proof  that this claim  is true based on the tweet Nikci posted “bashing” Remy and her  previous arrest in 2008 .  Remy also states Nicki Minaj is dumb comparing her to a donkey several times saying niki takes only L which stands for loose saying “Already took a L, now you got another one. I secure the bag, now I got another one’. She even goes as far as to say she got another W which stands for win and that Nicki  is just a fraud and isn’t about “it”. “I don’t think remy should have gone that far but Nicki shouldnt have added onto it so they are both in the wrong,” remarked Katherine Saolgado.


For some time people did not believe that Nicki would respond to this diss track because it was ”below” her; many people were wrong. Nikki finally responded with three new songs “Regret In Your Tears,” “Changed It,” and “No Frauds.” “Changed It” features Lil Wayne and “No Frauds” features both Wayne and Drake and lines like, “You a fraud committing perjury, I got before and after pictures of your surgery.” Nicki also brought up the incident that led to Remy’s incarceration in 2008 saying  “What type of bum ***** shoot her friend over a rack / What type of mother leave her son over a stack?”.On Instagram Nicki wrote a long message to Remy saying she’d pay her $500,000 if she could “drop a hit” in 72 hours without mentioning Nicki’s name.”This is honestly so stupid who even cares it’s not that important” says linwood lee on the topic of the diss track

Remy did an interview with the  podcast Another Round, Remy said that her feelings on “Shether” are more complex than what people think . “I don’t regret it, but I’m just not particularly proud of it either,” Remy claimed  . She also said she wishes that  Nicki  and herself could have collaborated instead or possibly in the future , “You can’t force somebody to do something they don’t want to do.”Remy stated.“ Remy was just trying to get bigger by saying bad things about a big star  and that’s it ” Douglas Hotz  stated. Hotz is not the only one who thinks this some think that this whole ordeal was just a publicity  stunt  to boost both singers popularity and if not Nicki Minaj’s’ popularity then it may have benefited her financially wise as with Hollywood and fame you never really know.