The varsity cheerleaders doing their pyramid at the pep rally.
The varsity cheerleaders doing their pyramid at the pep rally.


Pep rally’s are a high school staple, that can be quite lively. On Oct 10 the pep rally was held in the gymnasium during fourth period for the freshmen and sophomores,and seventh period for the juniors and seniors.

     The freshman and sophomore pep rally was full of great performances, fun games and tons of school spirit. Comparing this years and last years cheer routine sophomore Ethan Wheeler said “…definitely this year because their routine was much more fun to watch.” At the pep rally  students interacted and cheered along with the cheerleaders. Purple and black filled the stands,sophomore Jordan Guerrero said “this year had more school spirit because I saw a lot more people participate.”
     The junior and senior pep rally shared the same components with the Freshmen/Sophomore pep rally. Many items were thrown in the crowds, such as necklaces and little foam fingers. The cheerleaders also did the purple and black chants and they introduced the homecoming court. Games were played, such as the three legged race that Dr. Berrio participated in alongside Mr. Lange, musical chairs, and tug of war. Competitors consisted of students from each grade, football players, and cheerleaders. Winners of the games also were offered a slice of pizza.
     Both pep rallies had the Edgewater mascot tackled by the varsity football team to spark school spirit for the homecoming football game later that evening. During the pep rally the dance program performed as well as the varsity cheer team.
     The major difference of the pep rally’s was that the senior class led a chant consisting of “seniors” roar through the gymnasium, making the pep rally not only have school pride, but also class pride. Competitiveness was in the air when juniors and seniors both competed to see who was loudest.
Junior April Forests comment about the pep rally was “…it’s much more fun this year…”.
     The pep rally was a great way to end the homecoming spirit week with a bang and get everyone excited for the dance.