Under Control. Working on her studies, senior Leilani Hoofnagle explains how she feels ready for her exams. “I’m nervous, but I definitely feel like I’m prepared for testing,” Hoofnagle says. Having any form of anxiety doesn’t help, especially when seniors are busy filling out college applications and writing essays in hopes to get into the college of their dreams, but Hoofnagle definitely seems to have it under control. Photo By: André Hoofnagle

Students Prepare as Semester Exams Approach

By Andre Hoofnagle

The quarter’s nearing an end, which means that Winter break is nearing! However, before that occurs, there are also the dreaded exams that students have to get through. This year, it falls on December 13th, 16th, and 17th, and students are anxious with the pressure to try and remember all the information they’ve learned throughout the school year to ace the exam. Teachers are also stressing to try and squeeze in their last few lessons before the exam to have enough time to review the course as a whole, too. With all these worries piled on, these last few weeks become hectic and busy for everyone.

            Students have had mixed opinions about the block scheduling with all the factors that play into it. “It’s hard to try and remember every bit of information since we don’t even have time to review everything that’s going to be on the test,” freshman Lennon Jarvis said. Many students have had to try to squeeze in studying for all of their classes at home because of this, and sometimes that can’t be possible with extracurricular activities. Freshman Adrian López has been taking Band, and the concerts in winter have been making it a struggle to study for his tests. “The concerts are so much fun, but I’m exhausted when I get home from them, draining my energy to prepare for my semester exams,” López said. The limited time definitely doesn’t help students in the testing situation!

            The format in which the exams are have contributed to the worryness people have in this season. On December 13th, there is two-hour block scheduling testing for 1st period, two-hour block scheduling for 2nd, 4th, and 6th period on December 16th, and 3rd, 5th, and 7th period testing on December 17th. The compact time in which the exams are make it so there’s lots of late night studying. Some students can get up to three exams in one day, resulting in them pulling all nighters to make sure they’re ready. Freshman Parker Meeks talked about how he has two exams on Tuesday. “I have two tests in the block scheduling on Tuesday, so it’s probably going to be tiring and exhausting taking tests all day long,” Meeks said. One idea that’s been tossed around by students was if there was a separate day of block scheduling for each period to make sure the triple threat of exams didn’t happen to a student for on night of reviewing. “This would make testing a lot less stressful,” senior Leilani Hoofnagle said. A problem with this idea, though, is that it’d make it so there were more exams that would need to be remade as it’d be pushed closer to the end of the semester and closer to the beginning of winter break where students would be heading out for the holidays.

            Although the pressure of the testing is a big concern to students and faculty, winter break following the big exams make it all rewarding. “I’m just glad that the break is right after testing and I can just relax,” said López. The worries of the exams get to fade away right after Tuesday is done and dusted, and it allows students to finally take a breather and reflect on what they’ve accomplished in the first half of the school year. “It’s crazy to think that after these exams, I’m pretty much done with half of the school year,” said Hoofnagle. These semester exams prove to be the last step to finishing this semester, and students are excited to finally push these worries out of the door.

            Overall, the block scheduling is leaving students and faculty with anxiety to either pass the exam or to prepare the students well enough to get them to pass. Lots of late night studying is induced due to multiple exams in one day in the way block scheduling is arranged, and students stress to prepare and review for every class. While some are more worried than others, some students see winter break just around the corner after the tests and see the exams as one last obstacle to get over to finish the semester with flying colors. Whether you see the positive side or the negative one, the semester exams are one more big challenge before the break, and all the studying will be worth it to get the good grade as a gift this holiday season. Now there’s no time to waste; study on to rock the tests and reach for the stars, Wolves, as the sun always rises once more.

Under Control. Working on her studies, senior Leilani Hoofnagle explains how she feels ready for her exams. “I’m nervous, but I definitely feel like I’m prepared for testing,” Hoofnagle said. Having any form of anxiety doesn’t help, especially when seniors are busy filling out college applications and writing essays in hopes to get into the college of their dreams, but Hoofnagle definitely seems to have it under control.
Photo by André Hoofnagle