A Living Tradition

By: Arianna Bekas

Face Painting is a tradition at Apopka High school that has been going on for many years, and is an interesting and exciting activity that the Apopka Art Club conducts for Crazy Blue and White Day, the last day of Homecoming spirit week. Reina Ortiz, a member of the art club here at Apopka, is especially excited for Crazy Blue and White Day face painting, “I really hope that I am able to be a face-painter like last year, because I really love art, and getting to paint faces just really makes me happy.”


Mrs. Lieffers, an art teacher at Apopka High, loves to run the face-painting activity because she did it as a student, and it is something that she can give back to the students that actually want to be here and participate in school affairs. Mrs. Lieffers and all of the art club members work really hard to get this show on the road, “It’s insane. We are here Monday through Thursday every single week until the spirit week starts, and then we are here Monday through Friday during spirit week, and it’s an all-day event from six a.m. to whenever the pep rally is over.” The supplies needed to be able to complete face-painting day include about forty to sixty face painting palettes that the art club purchases for about three dollars apiece. According to Mrs. Lieffers, if a student wishes to get their face painted they can buy a ticket from any art club member, as well as any national art club society member, and they can also buy a ticket the day of for an extra cost. So if you purchase the tickets before the day actually occurs, you will be paying two dollars, but if you choose to wait for Crazy Blue and White Day to purchase a ticket, the price will be raised to three dollars instead of two. These tickets are good for one use only, so if you do mess up your face paint you will have to purchase another ticket to get it fixed.

On the day of Crazy Blue and White Day, the face painting will be taking place in room 509. “To paint one face it takes about thirty seconds a person.There are, I believe, fifteen painting options this year, which is less than previous years.We are limiting the numbers to simplify the process, and so we can get the students back to class as quick as possible so teachers do not complain.” And if your worried about how your skin will react, Mrs. Lieffers says that “It’s actually very gentle for the face, it’s actually designed for the face so it should not cause any irritation or rash, and you can remove it by just using soap and water.”


 When asked as to whether students should get their faces painted she            replied, “They should get it to show school spirit, and it’s a long tradition that Apopka has upheld, and they should do it just to show spirit throughout the school.” When Reina Ortiz was asked the same question she replied, “Yeah of course, it helps the club.” Which is true, because all of the money made will go to the Art club. Lieffers says that the money made will be used to go on field trips, like to the Dali museum. The money made will also be used to help fund different events throughout the campus like beautification–an example of one of the beautification projects that will be going on is the painting of murals for the North Campus.

Students throughout Apopka High are really looking forward to, and are excited about, Crazy Blue and White face painting. Lauren Lambert a sophomore at Apopka High school, is planning on getting her face painted because it is an easy way to show school spirit for homecoming week. Hannah Castin, a freshman at Apopka High school, is eager for Crazy Blue and White face-painting day because this is the first time she gets to experience Homecoming spirit week, and she believes that it is a really creative and interesting way to show school spirit.  All in all, face painting is an awesome tradition that Apopka high school upholds Not only is it a cool way to show school spirit, it also funds a very cool club. Every student who can should purchase one of these face-painting tickets and partake in the Crazy Blue and White Day tradition.