Getting to Know: Jenna Luddy

By Jamari Saint Cyr

Jenna Luddy is a sophomore and engineering magnet student at Apopka High. She has many pets from a dog to a lizard and a snake and anyone who knows Jenna knows that she is a lover of animals. Jenna preferably loves reptiles which is why in her free time she enjoys drawing lizards and dragons. She has an immense passion for drawing and has been aware of her creative abilities from as early as pre-school going into Elementary.

What’s your favorite subject?

Either art or engineering, making things based out of your own imagination is the best.

Do you have any interests in school?

The subjects I mentioned before are almost always interesting to me, as well as some of the history I get to learn. 

Do you have any teachers that are favorable to you?

 I love all of my teachers, and I do have a few favorites but I probably shouldn’t name names. Really they’re favorable because I can have a good conversation with them or joke around some while still knowing they’re there to teach something, and they do it in a way that’s interesting and effective. 

When did you first discover that you enjoyed drawing?

That was a lonnnnnng time ago, I’ve been doing dumb little doodles of various animals since pre-school and they’ve always made me happy. I think 4th or 5th grade is when I actually started to get more into it though, and when I actually started to improve.

Is art a profession that you would like to do after you graduate?

Absolutely. I’d love to go into either animation or character design as making up little worlds has always been a great amount of fun- though my writing style kinda sucks so I doubt I’d be able to use words to show them to people. 

What are some of your favorite things to draw?

Dragons are my favorite thing to draw or lizards at the very least. They aren’t technically real so no one can yell at me for weird anatomy or poses, plus I love them so I get to decorate my things with little doodles of them. 

You have pet lizards, can you tell us about them?

All of them suck. I got home like 10 minutes ago to find that one had made a huge mess of her cage after I fully cleaned it yesterday, another had shoved his blanket into his water dish because he’s a huge baby and is mad I’ve taken away his bark substrate, my oldest lizard was laying awkwardly in her food bowl (her door is currently tied shut since she figured out how to open it), and all the smaller lizards were in weird positions of their own. I love them all though, they’ve got awesome little personalities and do super cute things. I’d like to get more eventually, plus a snake. They’re amazing little animals.

What are some of your favorite hobbies aside from drawing?

Taking care of the lizards, though I’m not sure that counts. Softball too. Also sleeping, all of my free time between art and lizards and softball is sleeping, and I’m still barely awake half the time.

If you could change something about the school, what would you change or implement?

If I could improve something about the school, having at LEAST one class pet lizard is absolutely one of the things I’d do. Class pets reduce a lot of stress and anxiety, especially when students are allowed to interact with them. They allow for something silly and cute between studying and testing. I’d also probably alter the class structure a bit. Learning styles are taught and acknowledged constantly without actually being taken into account, and I think it’d play a huge role in helping students to better grasp what they’re doing rather than being shoved into a class with tons of different people and expected to follow one linear path of teaching.