A New Culture

By: Valendy Pierre

Midhat Fatima is one of the many foreign exchange students who has come to America to learn and embrace the culture. Only a sophomore, Midhat has traveled here alone to this country, leaving her two siblings and other family members behind. Sadly, she will be attending Apopka for this school year only. She may be shy, but she is an outstanding student, who will excel here at Apopka High. With the little time she has here, Midhat does plan to keep her grades up, participate in extracurricular activities, and join in on Apopka pride!

Where are you coming from?

I’m coming from Pakistan, from the capital Islamabad.

Why did you come here?

Basically, I wanted to go abroad—it’s my first time going abroad, too, so I wanted to try something different, a new experience—[spreads out hands] America the big country!

What grade are you in?

I’m a sophomore—10th grade.

Why did you come to Apopka High School?

My host family lives here in Apopka, so it was the nearest school to us so they chose Apopka High School for us.

Do you like it here so far? If not, why?

Yes, it’s really good—it’s crowded, but it’s nice I like it.

Is it different from your school back home?

Really different actually [chuckles]! In our schools, we don’t change classes like here does. We stay in class and the teacher comes, but here the…um…students change the class every day—No uniforms!

Do you plan to participate in any activities this year?

Yeah, I will be joining the BETA club and I’m going to try soccer—if I get selected [smiles].

Have you ever played soccer before?

Uh, not really played, but I have played with my friends—like not on a team but with friends, going out, and playing soccer.

Why do you want to join BETA club?

I don’t know, it seemed interesting—volunteering, social work and all of that, working for the people–so I think I’m going to do that.

Are you staying here till graduation?

No, just this school year only.


We hope our fellow Darters help make this year Midhat’s best year yet!