Florida Weather Takes Down Friday Night Football Game

By: Staff Editor Jeffery Laux

Miami Norland came into Blue Darter territory on September 1 with the utmost disrespect. As silence filled the stadium moments before the National Anthem played, “305” was yelled by a loud voice on the opposing team’s side, then responding players erupted into the silence “WHAT? 305!” The agitation that was shown on Apopka’s band conductor, Mr. Langford’s, face represented the faces of every person in the home stands. The game would begin with both team’s defenses forcing 4 and out drives, with Apopka finally breaking the stalemate with a 13-yard touchdown by outstanding sophomore Jecoryan Davis-Hamilton. With the 2 point conversion being successful, this put Apopka up 8-0. The Vikings got on the board with three minutes left in the second quarter when Alec Carr hit Craig Cooper on an eight-yard swing pass. The two-point pass failed. Before the first half ended, Apopka’s Davis-Hamilton responded with a long touchdown run to increase the score to 14-6. Then during halftime the rain settled in harshly with the thunder and lightning erupting and coming from far away.

The most uplifting spirit for Apopka Football as of now is the relentless effort made by the defense to not let anything curb their strides for victory. Miami Norland boasted 3 offensive linemen that were giants compared to our defensive line, but the line busted through and sacked the quarterback on three individual drives. Apopka’s Mychal Austin, Curtis Williams, and Boris Lewis have been tearing apart offensive lines this past couple of games and it doesn’t look like they are going to be stopped in any sort of form. Defensive/Linebackers coach Mr. Trompeter compliments the hard work that his defense has put through to keep Apopka in these tight games. As of this past couple of games, it reveals that the defense causing a stop ignites the offense. As long as Mychal Austin and his crew keep on making turnovers game after game, this should be a fun year for the Blue Darters.

During halftime, the referees postponed the game and would further notify each side of any changes. By approximately 10:36 pm the game was called off until each team would be able to reschedule and resume the game.

Rumors circulated after the game that refs actually allowed both teams to continue to play at 10:30, but Miami Norland players and staff declined it by saying they were too hungry. Rick Darlington and the Darters offered the Vikings the opportunity to resume play the next morning, after a night of rest, but they declined again due to the fact they were going to Disney World that morning.

This game may be rescheduled and resumed when both teams find enough time later in the season to deal with it. For now, the Apopka Blue Darters receive the unofficial nod as winners, 14-6.