Mediocre Death Day

By Michaela Etienne

During the Halloween season, it seems like the perfect time to see a good horror movie. One option currently playing in theaters is Happy Death Day. The movie Happy Death Day is about a college student, Tree Gelbman (Jessica Rothe), who keeps waking up in a young man named Carter’s (Israel Broussard) bed the day of her birthday. She gets a déjà vu feeling like she’s already experienced or seen this before. That’s when her life is taken by a masked killer. She then wakes up in Carter’s bed again reliving the same day. She must now find and reveal the masked killer or else she will experience the same day over and over again.

My thought on the movie was that it’s more suspenseful rather than scary. I wouldn’t say it was worth the money I spent, I honestly could’ve waited for it to come on TV. The acting was average. You really couldn’t take Tree’s and Danielle’s (her sorority sister’s) acting seriously. I felt like they could’ve been more believable. The acting was very similar to the Scary Movie parodies. My favorite scene was when Danielle was talking to the news reporter. She basically tried to take attention from the tragic moment and focus it all on her. My least favorite scene was a particular death scene (no spoilers for you). That’s when Tree realized that she really loved a certain character literally died to save his life. The best thing about the movie was finding out who the killer was. The killer was someone who you never expected. This movie is similar to Netflix original movie Naked.

I interviewed junior Cassidy Mitchell to get her thoughts on Happy Death Day. I was wondering what got her interested in watching this particular movie, and she responded, “I really like scary movies.” With movie ticket prices reaching double digits, I wondered if she had any regrets buying the ticket? “Yes and no. I felt like the money was worth it, but there are so many other movies like this.” I also asked her what she liked most and least about the movie. “When Tree and Carter get together to form a plan and then the next day he forgets them. My least favorite scene was basically when the toy mask always comes after Tree.” Cassidy was shocked by the killer’s identity.

I also interviewed junior Kaye Aguaviva as to why she wanted to watch Happy Death Day. “I really do like horror movies, and I need something to do with my time that isn’t school. It’s an interesting play on “Happy Birthday” because it makes me wonder how we would react if we knew about our death day and what we would do.”

In conclusion, I would recommend this movie not really as a horror movie but more as a suspenseful comedy. This would be something great to watch with a group of friends or with your family. Just mind some of the colorful language involved in there.