Keeping up with Berlinda

By Michaela Etienne

Who is Berlinda Clerger? She is a bright, outgoing, and extraordinary Senior. You might know her as an athletic trainer or seen her on the Homecoming Court.  During her Junior year, she was battling a life-threatening disease. It physically took a toll on her body, but she didn’t quit and kept up with her studies. No matter what she was going through, she always kept a smile on her face and looked for the brighter things in life. If you ever get a chance to meet her, I warn you that you will fall in love with her positive and outgoing personality.

How’s your senior year so far?

It’s fun, challenging, and it’s a really good experience.

How have you grown since Freshman year?

I’ve grown a lot. Academically I focus more and I realized that school is really important and you need it for life. In my personal life, I’ve grown to know to trust certain people…not everybody, give everybody a second chance, and learn to move on and let go.

What advice would you give the underclassmen?

For freshmen, this is the most important year. Don’t slack off, don’t procrastinate. Sophomores, it’s going to get challenging but don’t slack off either. Juniors, get ready to start applying for colleges and get ready for senior year because it goes by really quick.

Who is your motivation?

My older sister, honestly. She’s taught me everything I know and everything I’ve done in my life. She’s the prime example of a perfect student inside and outside of school. As a daughter she’s really good, she takes care of my little sister and me. She’s an example of what I want to be at her age.

Are you involved in any extracurricular activities, clubs, or sports?

I do athletic training for all sports, and I play flag football.

Why did you decide to be an athletic trainer?

It’s something around the field I want to do for a lifetime. I just wanted to get hands-on practice right now.

What career are you planning on pursuing?

I plan on going to Seminole State to get my Associates degree in physical therapy. After that, I’d either transfer to UF or Florida State University to continue my education and get my Doctorate degree in physical training. Then after that, I think I want to do athletic training.

Was it hard trying to balance health issues and school?

Yes, Junior year was very very hard to manage both because of getting sick and the chemotherapy. It just messes up your brain and you’re not focused because you’re so sick; but yeah it was hard, but I kind of got through it with the grades I got that year.

 What is your best moment so far at Apopka?

Right now would be getting accepted into colleges and applying for colleges and seeing how real it is. I’m also about to be done with high school.

Do you have any hobbies?

I like to shop and eat–it’s really bad. My favorite place to shop at is Forever 21, and I don’t have a favorite restaurant.

Do you have a favorite motto or quote?

Life is too short.