Meet Jeff Pt. 2

By Arianna Bekas

Jeffery Laux is a current senior, member of the water polo team, sings in chorus and is president of Beta club. While he is involved in many activities around school it has not stopped Jeff from getting his very own case of senioritis. Which he expressed has made it fairly hard to stay motivated with his work. But even with his battle to push past his senioritis, Jeff still continues to work hard with the newspaper staff and manages to bring a lighthearted fun to the room. Jeffery is extremely excited about college and he is currently waiting to hear back from the University of Florida, but he has been accepted into Florida Atlantic University. While Jeff will always have a special place for Apopka in his heart he is ready to see new parts of Florida, and is ready to move on from Apopka High School.

In the last interview we discussed what career you were interested in. Are you still interested in being an on-camera sports analyst?

Yes, that has been my dream. I still hope to work for ESPN one day, and I watch every sports game hoping that I can be that one guy on screen giving run-downs. I want to be on TV debating with people. I love sports, it’s just my passion.

What has been your most memorable moment of your senior year so far?

It would probably be Homecoming. Being nominated as Homecoming Court was honestly pretty awesome. You know being up there with my best friend, Joshua Moody, it’s just been a blessing.

Do you have any big plans to celebrate your graduation?

I was thinking about me and my long-time girlfriend going out on a cruise or doing something. Maybe going out to the Caribbean and celebrating, doing my senior trip with her.

What is the biggest thing you are currently looking forward to?

I am looking forward to going to college. I can’t wait. My friend from Georgia Tech always tells me how college is awesome. You can’t let the distractions get to you, but if you can handle yourself in college then it is going to be a blast. I’m just ready.

In what ways have you grown over the course of this year?

I feel like I am calmer as a person. I’ve always been a chill guy, but now I see something that makes me upset and I don’t say anything. I just look at it and say “whatever man.” I feel like I am more knowledgeable and I have a nicer flow to myself. I walk with a flow and I don’t stress myself out as much. I’m not tearing my hair out because I have an assignment due tomorrow, I’m just like “I’ll make time for it.” I’m not going to stress myself out over just one assignment.

What will you miss most about Apopka when you graduate this year?

I’m going to miss the people here. I like some of the juniors and sophomores, some of them are cool. I’m going to miss all of my senior friends and all of the teachers. Mr. Anchel, Mr. Russell, Mrs. Houvouras, Mr. Houvouras, and Mr. Mellon. There are so many great teachers here, and I have been blessed to have been able to go here and spend my four years with some of the best teachers in the world. Chorus, I’m going to miss that too.