Best Wishes to Mrs. Beechum

By Cassidy Johnson

Apopka High School is preparing to lose yet another phenomenal teacher. And no, she’s not going to Windermere, Mrs. Beechum is retiring. Having taught English here since the late ’80’s, she has become like an edifice at this school. The most unchanging aspect of the English Department, senior class activities, and the graduation process. Mrs. Beechum, a long-standing constant, noted for her avid sense of participation and school spirit, will soon leave these hallowed halls.


Mrs. Beechum has been the Senior Class Council Sponsor since the early 90’s. In that time she has lead the council to complete countless parade floats, monthly senior activities, and the infamous Senior Week. Members of this year’s council, particularly the class officers had nothing but praise to say about their sponsor. Vice President, Anya Rambaram said, “It’s been an honor to work with Mrs. Beechum this year. Her passion as a teacher and as a sponsor to Senior Class Council is unparalleled. Apopka High is a better school because of wonderful people like her.” Treasurer, Carine Metelus, commented, “She has made a great impact at Apopka and we are so grateful to have had such an amazing sponsor.” A significant or a great or large portion of the success of the Senior Class Council any given year has been due to Mrs. Beechum, and her vision, tenacity, and care.


Mrs. Beechum does not only shine as a club sponsor but as an English teacher as well. In her time here she has taught everything in English from AP Literature to English IV to and Dual Enrollment courses Comp I and Comp II. Two other Senior Class officers got to know her not only as a sponsor but as an educator too. President Julianna Domenech said that the school was extremely fortunate to have had such an awe-inspiring teacher in their midst. “She has touched so many and made senior year amazing without fail year after year,” were the words of class Historian Melanie Halem. Mrs. Beechum’s teaching style can be described as letting students be independent with their work, yet still open enough that they have no reservations to ask for assistance when needed. She is a practical mix of permissive and stern.


When fellow Senior Class sponsors, Ms. Wesighan and Ms. Jandy were asked to speak to their colleague’s impact, they asked that this response be included in the article:

“Mrs. Beechum,

There are no words to describe the incredible impact you have had on those of us here at Apopka High School, students, and teacher alike. It is our sincerest hope that as you begin the next journey of your life, you remember the countless individual conversations, letters, emails, hugs, and visits from current and former students and know how truly special you are to the Darter Nation. We thank you for pouring your heart into your classroom. We thank you for your dedication and faithful service to Senior Class. And, most of all, we thank you for making a difference in young people’s lives and loving them so well. Please know that we are forever grateful to someone who is the true definition of an educator.

-Ms. Wesighan and Mrs. Jandy”


Through brief discussion with Mrs. Beechum, it was clear that she is quite emotional about her impending departure from Apopka High. She doesn’t seem to want to go. With that in mind, student or teacher, if you’ve time with Mrs. Beechum during your time here at Apopka, I implore you to go to her with kind words; make she knows she is appreciated.