Monthly Archives: March 2018

By Jeffery Laux When are we willing to change for the betterment of our own nation? We have remodeled ideals and rules based on other countries laws and beliefs but why can’t we take after Japan, Norway, Australia, and The United Kingdom who have all limited the number of deaths […]

Follow the Footsteps of Change

Photo credit: Florida Political Review, Orlando Sentinel, The Hill, SaintPetersBlog By Thalya Samuels Due to the recent tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas, I have been encouraged to write a story regarding gun laws in relation to school shootings. My assignment involved contacting state representatives and senators and asking for their […]

To Our Senators and Representatives

By Arianna Bekas On Wednesday, February 14, a gunman armed with an AR-15 opened fire upon Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, killing 17 and injuring 14. This event has yet again sparked a heated debate about what’s to blame in this massacre. Both sides of the political spectrum can surely […]

When Mental Health and Guns Collide

By Michaela Etienne February 14 is Valentine’s Day, also known as the day of love. The day where you express to someone that they mean the world to you. Sadly, this wasn’t the case for the many students, teachers, and parents of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. February 14 will forever […]

A Thousand Ways Not To Save A Life

By Cassidy Johnson On February 14th, America was rocked again to its core by an individual and his gun. This is not the first time this has happened, and it certainly will not be last. Nevertheless, there was something different about the Parkland, FL, school shooting. There is something else, […]

A Striking Resemblance