The 2010’s will always be trademarked as a decade of lively pop music. Justin Bieber’s musical journey and growth as a person during that decade will surely be remembered. Bieber went from “Baby” to druggie to a man of god all in the past ten years. To say he has changed would definitely be an understatement.
On January 18th of this year Justin Bieber celebrated his ten year anniversary of his hit song Baby. The song that everyone knows but is ashamed that they can recite it perfectly. Biebers song baby was entered into the Guinness book of world records for the most disliked song on Youtube and the internet. But the jokes on them, he only got more famous because of it. Billboard announced that “Justin Bieber’s song Baby was a song that defined the decade.”
After the song Baby, Bieber continued to release new music which only made his fame grow. Bieber said in an article by the New York Times that he “started doing pretty heavy drugs at 19 and abused all of [his] relationships.” The article later discussed how Bieber felt that an insane amount of pressure is put on child stars. He felt robbed of the ability to do basic life skills. In turn, within three years Bieber went from the “baby” to the druggie.
People change and Justin Bieber semed to do just that. Now Bieber is a worship leader at his church, preaches his beliefs on social media, and is married to Hailey Baldwin Bieber. To say that Bieber turned his life around would be an understatement. From “Baby” to druggie, transformed into a man of god, Justin Bieber has evolved before our eyes this past decade.