The effects of quarantine are felt throughout America, specifically by the working class. Some people are working from home and doing everything they can to stay out of harm’s way, but others have to be out working in the field.
Jenny Silviano, community member and mother of a Corner Lake student named Katelyn, or KK, takes stay-at-home orders as strictly as possible. “It really isn’t affecting me, but I think life is too short and too precious to mess with,” Silviano said. Silviano has spent all of her time in quarantine in her home with her family. Her husband has been completing work from home, and her daughter is in distance learning. The family has also found a fix to errands like stores and gas. “We chose [my husband] to be an errand boy because he hates errands and is quick, in and out,” Silviano said. The silviano family is taking every precaution they have to do to stay safe during the Covid pandemic.
On the other side of the spectrum is local Devon Bratton. Bratton was a 2019-2020 Senior who works as a sewer technician from 7:30 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday. Even though Bratton spends five days a week out of the house, this does not mean he is not taking proper safety precautions. “We are required to wear gloves and masks in customers’ homes,” Bratton said. Bratton says he is not affected much by the quarantine other than the closing of stores and slower business.
Covid living is no easy task for anybody. Everybody’s life is different in these times and their responsibilities are different. From parents worried about taking care of and the safety of their family, to young adults making a living, everyone does their part by keeping themselves safe and making their communities a better place.