I’m a freshman who loves running all types of distances, but my passion for running comes from running long distances. Running has taught me so much, but it has especially taught me to push through my limits no matter what. Oh and one thing, if I pass out while running, please stop my watch.

Author Archives: Kyle Garces

Running the Road to Happiness

I started running competitively in seventh grade. Ever since, I have felt happy with my life. Running comes naturally for most of us. You don’t need any special equipment or hard training. The simplicity of the sport is in being able to go outside and run at a moment’s notice. You can run by yourself.You…

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Feeling the Heat

In late September 2019, massive wildfires erupted in Australia and are still spreading to this day. They currently cover a large part of the continent and show no sign of slowing down. These fires are mostly from natural events, such as intense heat, droughts, and even lighting strikes. Though, humans are not without blame. According…

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Crossing Roles

To the untrained eye, cross country and track are nothing but a lot of running. What many people miss is the determination, persistence, and discipline required to perform well. Mark Randio, track and cross country coach, holds all of those things in high regard because running is a big part of his life. In fact,…

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