Flintstones vs The Jetsons

Gifted Frameworks- Questioning,Products & Performances,Research and Exploration, and Problem Solving

Do you remember the old cartoon shows the Flintstones and The Jetsons ? This week we researched and explored the similarities and differences between them. How the technology changed over the years. The Jetsons in the 1962 were way ahead of their time. They had Facetime,moving sidewalks,electric toothbrushes,and a robotic maid  just to name a few, all items that were unheard of at this time, but are common today. The kids were shocked that when I was their age during this time we didn’t even have color TV or cable! We also talked about what our world would look like in 10 years. Your children have some interesting ideas! Talk to you child about their dreams for the future you might be surprised.

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4th Grade even got to play in a Tar Pit for bones!

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