Did you know?

 Gifted Frameworks we were working on this week-Examination of Knowledge, Research and Exploration, Questioning

Questions to ask your child about this week-

Did you know that the Roman  Empire started in 753 BC and didn’t end till _____?

Do you know what an oculus is, and where you can find one?

How many people could the Colosseum hold, and how long did it take to build?

This is just a few of the exciting items we learned  about studying the Roman Empire this week.

We will be finishing up the Roman Empire next week then start on the Greek Empire the following week.


We also welcome a few new frogs to the pond Mariana, Ismail, Samuel, Jacob, Youssef, Obai,  Mikhail, Zara, Mia, and Madison. We now have 20 countries represented in the pond!!

The  pond has been expanding so we are happy to have Ms. Skoglund in 4h grade to come help us out during 4th grade pond time. Welcome to the pond! 

Check out what we created in our Maker Space from what we learned about Roman Architecture and Art.




Mrs. Boxx came to help out with the Roman puzzle!







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