Do you know your lab tools, and can you classify them into use?

This week’s Gifted Frameworks-Examination of Knowledge, Research and Exploration, and Leadership

Quote of the week-Education is not the learning of facts,it’s rather the training of the mind to think. Albert Einstein

This week we learned about the different types of tool you would use in a lab. Then to make things more interesting we classify the tools into categories of types and use. Do you know what a erlenmeyer flask is, and what it is used for? How about what is  the difference between a beaker and a graduated cylinder, and why are they are classify into different groups? Ask your child or children!

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We finished up the week with the Science Lab game which allowed them to test their knowledge and work on their leadership skills.Finally we tackled the What if This Happen in the lab scenario game. Learning is fun!

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Working hard on our vocabulary

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Game time

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