Space Race and Rockets

Gifted Frameworks- Research &  Exploration, Questioning ,Examination of Knowledge

Last week we started learning about the space race between the USSR and the USA. Since I lived through that time in history it was interesting for me to look back on that era and what a difference it has made in our lives today. We started by creating a timeline from 1950 to future events in space exploration. I also showed the students actual footage from that early time including the first man stepping on the moon. Do you know who that is? We finished off the week by making straw rockets, and testing them by the different designs and distance that they flew. We will be continuing our study of space for the next few weeks. Check out the fun in learning we had last week.IMG_1421 (2)5 IMG_1422 (2)5 IMG_1426 (2)5 IMG_1427 (2)5 IMG_1428 (2)5 IMG_1429 (2)5 IMG_1430 (2)5 IMG_1431 (2)5 IMG_1432 (2)5 IMG_1433 (2)5 IMG_1434 (2)5IMG_1451 (2)1 IMG_1452 (2)1 IMG_1453 (2)1 IMG_1454 (2)1

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