Our rockets go skyward!

Gifted Frameworks-Products & Performances,Problem Solving, and Leadership

Whoosh!! We launched our water rockets yesterday,and learned some valuable lessons in the process. I learned that launching 50 rockets takes a lot of time and work,and I really needed to wear a rain jacket since I spent most of the day soaking wet! The students learned numerous things such as don’t use so much tape, that their ballast was not balanced,the nose cone was crooked so the rocket when to the left instead of up, they needed more tape,and most of all launching water rocket is a fun way to learn! We will  be reflecting on what we learned and what changes we need to make on our rockets for the SECME competition.

On a sad note one of our 4th graders Pragya will be leaving us to move to Jacksonville. We will miss her! IMG_1902 (2)4 pra

Check out the fun we had this week-

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