Happy Holidays

Gifted Frameworks-Leadership,Goals,Products & Performances

It’s been a busy crazy week at the pond. We shot off more our rockets that we have been working on.We had success, and a few failures,but we learned what we need to do to make the rockets go even go higher. We also had an awesome Holiday party thanks to Ms. Boxx and her creative ideas. We  created models out of soap flakes,your child’s hands have never been so clean. Thanks to Mrs. Sisk and Mrs. Summers for helping out. Thanks also to all my wonderful parents who help support our class from snowflakes to newspapers and any other crazy thing I ask for! Thanks to Connor and Josean for taking Aussie and Stripes and Bumps home for the holiday.  On a sad note we are losing 2 more of our frogs Sri in 5th And Joel in 3rd are moving over the break. We will miss them.

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We also inducted members of the Frog family into National Honor Society. Thanks Mrs. Moore for taking the pictures and helping out.

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Check out the past week’s fun in the pond!

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