SECME/Beyond the Space Frontier

Gifted Frameworks- Research & Exploration, Leadership, Examination of Knowledge

We had a wonderful time launching our rockets at the SECME competition with 30  students! Thank-you to all the parents who came out to support us. We have 3 teams moving on to the SECME regionals at UCF on Saturday, February 11. Come out and check out all the fun!

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Continuing our study of Space we studied constellations, and create our ceiling tiles of different constellations that we studied. Thank-you Mrs. Boxx for putting them up for us!

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The fun is that they can only use books as their resources,(they were not happy about that-all, I heard was that is the old fashion way!!!) They even have to create 3×5 note cards with the book title, author, fact, and page number where they found the facts. It’s been interesting watching them realizing it’s fun to look up information in a book .Next week, we will be writing essays ,and creating props for our presentations . Most creative wins! The following week we will beginning presenting. Don’t forget to ask your child what they are learning.

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