Frog Honors/Trappist Solar System

 Gifted Frameworks-Questioning, Research & Exploration, Products &Performance, Problem Solving

The Frog pond  had some excitement with a few of our 5th grade frogs getting honors.

 Angeline was named Disney Dreamer and Doer

Also  7 of our frogs spoke in the Modern Woodmen Speech competition  with the top 3 winners being frogs as well.

Congratulations Victor, Sammy, Alexia, Sara, Jerry, Lojeen, Mira

1st Place- Mira,.2nd -Alexis,3rd Lojeen

Have you heard a few weeks ago NASA announced that it had found another system much like ours called Trappist 1? This system has  3  out of the 7 planets that according to our standards have the possibility of life. This lead to all sorts of questions like what would life look like on planets e, f ,g. The frogs went into action and produced some very interesting hypothesis of what life would be like. Ask you child what they thought life might look like on another planet and why!








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