Welcome back!!

Gifted Frameworks we were working on this week-Research and Exploration, Questioning

It’s been a busy week at the pond! We got to see our friends and meet new ones. We have even added a special  new friend Percy. Percy is our new Fire Bearded dragon. Aussie has gotten to large for the classroom, so I have relocated her to a much larger home. I know we will all miss her, but the students are really enjoying watching Percy antics. If you look close you can see him on the wood. This week we even got to see the Solar eclipse live on the NASA station. We started our study of Ancient Rome and the Roman Empire. The students are having fun learning about what happen in the years 752 BC -476 AD, and what impact it had on our everyday life.

We also got to experience seeing the eclipse live on TV. Ask your child what the difference is between a Solar and  Lunar eclipse, and waxing and waning moon phrases.

On Friday, we get to explore our new Maker Space, and learn by creating and forming new ideas.

Check out all the excitement in the pond!







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