Gifted Service Project/ Ocean Zones

Gifted Frameworks- Research & Exploration, Examination of Knowledge, Leadership

Each year my Gifted classes do a service project. This year we are combining it into our Global Awareness study, and my Mission Trip to Guatemala in February. I will be working with the teachers in a small village school with limited resources.

I would like to have the students bring in school supplies such as pencils, sharpers, erasers, Crayola crayons 16 or 24 size, stickers, notebook paper and other small items to take to the school. In addition, if you have any flip flops or tennis shoes in good shape that your child has out grown I will also be taking them to the village as well. This will be a wonderful life lesson for my students by creating a connection with children their age that have a very different lifestyle. Students will also be making cards and notes for the students that I will take with me.We will start collecting the items next week.

If you have any questions please let me know.

This week we dove deeper into the ocean to learn about the zones that make up the  oceans. As your child what animal or life forms lives in the Sunlight zone or the Hadal Zone. Check out the learning fun we had!










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