Myths and Legends

Gifted Frameworks- Examination of Knowledge, Research & Exploration, Leadership

Congratulations to the Woodmen’s Speech Contest Winners
All members of the Frog Pond!
1st Place-Avery
Congratulations also to Anna and Siena for participating.

Thank-you for all the shoes and school supplies to go to Guatemala. I will be leaving on Wednesday the 14th to the 23th to teach school in a mountain village school outside of Rio Dulce in Cuatro Cayos.

I look forward in bring back my adventures to my students for our next study in Global Awareness.


This week we finished up our reports on water myths and legends. We had a few students that got very creative and did their presentation as a play. Friday was Maker Space Day ,check out what we made!
Next week, we will start researching  ocean animals.







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