Ocean Reports/Guatemala

Gifted Frameworks- Research & Exploration, Leadership, Examination of Knowledge

The Guatemala trip was very informative and life changing. I worked at a school in the village of Cayous Castro about 30 miles outside of Rio Dulce. The village is located in the rainforest, and took over an hour on dirt roads  each way to get into the jungle. The village consists of 45 families and over 400 people who primarily work on a palm oil plantation in which the village is located in. The school has about 50 students from 1st-6th grade. One teacher teaches 1,3,5 grades and the other teacher has 2,4,6 grades. I am working on a presentation for the students for 4th quarter when we start talking about Global Awareness.

Thank-you to Mrs. Suprenard for allowing me to take the time for this life changing trip.

Back in the pond students were busy researching ocean animals and putting together their presentations ,check them out below. The rest of the quarter we will be researching and exploring ocean careers. 








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