Global Awareness-Ocean Pollution

 Gifted Frameworks- Questioning, Examination, Research & Exploration

Can you believe it’s already 4th quarter! This quarter we will be studying the field of Global Awareness.We have students in the pond from over 20 different countries!  Students in each grade were asked what was the most important problem in the world today- 5th Grade- extinct of animals, 4th Grade- pollution , 3rd Grade-global warming ,2nd Grade-pollution, 1st Grade- pollution. We are starting out with the study of ocean pollution and the effect it has on  all of us. Did you realize trash that is throw in the ocean in China eventually ends up in the US? Did you know that the plastic items never fully decompose, and may end up in your dinner? Your child will be working on a project starting next week on how to reduce the amount of trash at home and school, and make better choices in products that you may buy. Please support them in this project.











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