Category: News

  • Do You Like To Code?

    Gifted Frameworks This week- Problem Solving, Questioning, Products & Performance Do you like to code? Have you ever tried to? Coding helps with reading and math skills in students.  Coding is considered a  language with many different dialects.  All apps and computer programs use coding to run their programs. You might of heard of Java, Python, Swift, Perl…

  • Coding 101

    Gifted Frameworks- Problem Solving, Questioning We have been very busy the past few weeks with our activities. Learning to code is similar to learning a new language. I must say the students are doing better than I am at times!  I’m glad to have 5th Grade back, and they are also learning to code on…

  • Unplugged Challenge

     This week’s Gifted Frameworks- Questioning, Research & Exploration, Products & Performances What does holding up a Harry Potter book have to do with learning to Code? It involves learning about having a good foundation ( for learning), never giving up, and learning different ways to do things. This week the challenge was to hold up a…

  • The Start of a New Year!!

    This week’s Gifted Frameworks- Questioning, Research & Exploration Wow can you believe that we are already back to school! This year’s Gifted classes are a little different. I will be teaching 1st,2nd,3rd,half of 4th (we will switch the groups half way through the quarter with Mrs. Stockwell) Mrs. Stockwell will be teaching half of 4th…

  • The End of Another Awesome Year!

    Gifted Frameworks- Problem Solving, Leadership, Examination of Knowledge  I want to thank my room mom’s Tracy Boxx and Deanna Elwell I couldn’t do it without you!!! This will be Mrs. Boxx last year will me, she has been my room mom for 6 years ( she started with me when her older son was in…

  • Countries We Learn About This Week!

    Gifted Frameworks- Research &Exploration, Examination of Knowledge, Products & Performances, Questioning  Thank-you for all the lovely surprises during Teacher Appreciation Week. We had another busy week in the pond. We had more interesting, and exciting country heritage reports to learn from. The kids have really enjoyed learning about the different cultures and problems that occur in…

  • Country Presentations- World Problems

    Gifted Frameworks- Research &Exploration, Examination of Knowledge, Products & Performances,Questioning This week we continued presenting our awesome country reports. Everyone in the pond is learning so much about all the wonderful countries in the world including myself. The best part is the students are learning and understanding more about their heritage,and the world around them.…

  • Heritage Country Reports/Architecture

    Gifted Frameworks- Research &Exploration, Examination of Knowledge, Products & Performances  1st grade has been working this week learning about architecture, and how to design and build a house. Check out their floor plans designs from a Zen garden to a garage that houses different kinds of vehicles This week we continued presenting our reports on countries. This…

  • Where Are You From?

    Gifted Frameworks- Research & Exploration, Questioning, Products & Performances Congratulations to Asher, Logan, Connor, Avery,and Adelaide for participating in the Battle of the Books! This week we started presenting our Country reports. It’s been interesting to watch the students learn about their heritage and culture of their great grandparents. Since we have students from all over…

  • Ocean Projects

    Gifted Frameworks-Research & Exploration, Examination of Knowledge, Questioning, Problem Solving This week 3rd and 4th Grade presented their Ocean pollution projects. Talk about being creative! We had plays, TV show, I Movie, dolphins, turtles, sea gulls, and oil slicks. All with wonderful research and explanations on what we can do to improve our planet.5th Grade…