Category: News

  • PLTW- The Changing Earth

    Gifted Frameworks this week- Research &Exploration, Examination of Knowledge, Leadership This week we started a Project Lead The Way module on The Changing Earth. In this week’s  module we worked on our map skills. Do you know 3 things a correct maps needs? Ask your child for the answer. Did you know that your house can be located…

  • Greek and Roman Constellations

    Gifted Frameworks for this week-Products & Performances, Research & Exploration, Leadership This week we finished working with the Greek and Roman mythology by creating constellations for our ceiling. This involved student reports on different constellations that were connected to mythology. We then voted on which one the class wanted to have them represented for this…

  • Ready, Set, GO

     Gifted Frameworks this week- Products & Performances, Leadership, Questioning A couple of quick updates- thank-you for the Zip lock bags I think I have enough for now. Next week we start on Greek and Roman Mythology. 2nd quarter will be the start of geology, so pull out those rock collections to share.   A lot of…

  • The Trojan Horses Are Coming

    Gifted Frameworks this week- Products & Performances ,Leadership, Problem Solving This week we worked on finishing up our study of Greece and Rome history and geography. Next week, will we start on the Greek myths, and the Roman Gods and Goddess. We completed our STEAM Column challenge, and currently are working on building a Trojan Horse model.…

  • Columns of all shapes and sizes!

    Gifted Frameworks this week-Problem Solving ,Leadership, Products & Performances It was a wonderful week at the pond, and everyone made it back safe and sound! The pond would like to welcome Mrs. Strickland, she will be helping us out during the 3rd Grade time. Last week we finished up study about Rome with a game of…

  • Did you know?

     Gifted Frameworks we were working on this week-Examination of Knowledge, Research and Exploration, Questioning Questions to ask your child about this week- Did you know that the Roman  Empire started in 753 BC and didn’t end till _____? Do you know what an oculus is, and where you can find one? How many people could the…

  • Welcome back!!

    Gifted Frameworks we were working on this week-Research and Exploration, Questioning It’s been a busy week at the pond! We got to see our friends and meet new ones. We have even added a special  new friend Percy. Percy is our new Fire Bearded dragon. Aussie has gotten to large for the classroom, so I have…

  • It’s Getting Close-Important Info for 2017-2018

    Wow the 2017-2018 school year is almost here!! I’ve missed ya’ll! Yes, I am now Mrs. Fox,but don’t worry if you forget and call me Ms. Harman.  Don’t forget we will start classes on Monday,August 14th. Important school times have changed – School will start at 8:30 sharp and end at 2:45 (Wednesday at 1:45)…

  • End of the year already??

    Gifted Frameworks-Leadership,Products,Research and Exploration Congratulations to our 5th Graders of which I had 7 of them in my 2nd grade class.Boy! have they grown! Congratulation also to Sara,Ariana,Alexis who will be attending the National Youth Leadership Forum (NYLF): Explore STEM in Washington DC this summer.  It’s been a awesome year with lots of new and exciting ideas…

  • Bubbles Bubbles Everywhere

    Gifted Frameworks this week- Leadership, Problem Solving, Products and Performance Thank-you for all the wonderful Teacher Appreciation surprises, Wednesday was Superhero day so I made this shirt to honor your children because they are my Superheroes! Can you believe only a few more weeks of school to go! This week we have been working on…